Join us at the Dixie Convention Center in St. George, Utah for the 2025 Utah Library Association Annual Conference! Registration is now open, with early bird pricing ending March 31. Soon after registering, you will receive a Sched invite to this event so you can plan your conference schedule. See you in St. George!
Thursday May 15, 2025 3:10pm - 4:00pm MDT
In 1983, two journalists traveled the country asking hundreds of people with diverse backgrounds and professions two questions: “What book has made the biggest difference in your life?” and “What was that difference?” In a partial replication of that inquiry, we designed a two-phase study in which we ask a similar sequence of questions via survey and then follow up with more in-depth, probing questions through interviews and focus groups. While we began by focusing on our own university community of students (undergraduate and graduate) and employees (faculty and staff) representing a diverse range of academic disciplines and professional service areas, we employed snowball sampling to reach a broader pool of participants. Initial findings will be discussed including titles, genres, and authors identified as well as emergent themes regarding the impact of chosen books. Additionally, in light of this year’s ULA conference theme (“Our Stories Inspire”), attendees will have an opportunity to share a book that has been influential to them and see what books have made a difference in the lives of other conference attendees.
avatar for Maggie Marchant

Maggie Marchant

Economics, Finance & Data Librarian, Brigham Young University
I am the Economics, Finance, and Data Librarian at Brigham Young University.  I started my current role in the fall of 2021 and love the opportunity to work with and help students and faculty.  I also love getting to work and constantly learn with great colleagues at BYU and throughout... Read More →

Toni Pilcher

Library Instructor, Brigham Young University
avatar for Rachel Wadham

Rachel Wadham

Education Librarian, Brigham Young University
Thursday May 15, 2025 3:10pm - 4:00pm MDT
Entrada B

Attendees (6)

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