Join us at the Dixie Convention Center in St. George, Utah for the 2025 Utah Library Association Annual Conference! Registration is now open, with early bird pricing ending March 31. Soon after registering, you will receive a Sched invite to this event so you can plan your conference schedule. See you in St. George!
Wednesday May 14, 2025 3:50pm - 4:10pm MDT
The BYU Library became aware of the history department’s need for internship opportunities that were on campus, paid, and relevant to historical research and potential employment opportunities. This session will outline how our library team developed internships to meet the needs of the history and family history majors, integrating into their larger, coordinated internship program. Students can select up to three modules to work on during their internship, giving them experience with multiple types of history related work done in libraries. We identified existing projects in our department to meet both the needs and interests of students in the history major and the ongoing work in our department. We hope that long-term investment in this internship program will pay off as these students move on to careers in the library field and possibly return to our institution or those in our community to work in the library field.
avatar for Valerie Buck

Valerie Buck

Associate Librarian, Brigham Young University, Harold B. Lee Library

Katie Yeo

Brigham Young University
Katie Yeo is the 19th and 20th Century Americana Catalog Librarian at the Brigham Young University Library in Utah. She is also a former solo librarian at the Utah State Hospital Library. She is passionate about topics such as metadata accessibility and inclusive cataloging.
Wednesday May 14, 2025 3:50pm - 4:10pm MDT
Sunbrook A

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