Join us at the Dixie Convention Center in St. George, Utah for the 2025 Utah Library Association Annual Conference! Registration is now open, with early bird pricing ending March 31. Soon after registering, you will receive a Sched invite to this event so you can plan your conference schedule. See you in St. George!
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Thursday, May 15

10:45am MDT

Refitting, Redesigning and Refreshing: Mid to Late Career Academic Librarians Panel Discussion
Thursday May 15, 2025 10:45am - 11:35am MDT
Mid to late career librarianship is experienced differently by all of us, but can predictably have a powerful impact on our professional lives that can be measured and examined. For example, have you ever had a colleague say something like, "wow! you know everything about the library!" OR "you've been here that long!?" The mid to late career librarian can experience phenomena such as professional identity stressors, career plateaus, changing family responsibilities, leadership opportunities, burnout, political change, professional growth, working with younger generations, technology paradigm shifts, needs for refreshment & community, and plenty more. While this is well documented in the literature of management, private industry and elsewhere, the post-pandemic library is in a great position to foster this valuable conversation as we grow and contribute to the next generation of academic libraries. Panelists come from a variety of institutions in Utah and their panel interests follow:
avatar for Dale Larsen

Dale Larsen

Associate Librarian, J. Willard Marriott Library
Hi! I'm very interested in developing services and products (assessment, curriculum, etc.) to develop stronger liaison role outreach. I'm also very interested in how public libraries can research their constituency and develop marketing ideas via social identity, cultural and community... Read More →
avatar for Leticia Camacho

Leticia Camacho

Management & Accounting Librarian, Brigham Young University
I am the Management and Accounting Librarian at the BYU Harold B. Lee Library. I love being a librarian and working with business students and faculty. I also love the ULA annual conference because it allows me to interact and learn from dear colleagues around the state! 
Thursday May 15, 2025 10:45am - 11:35am MDT

10:45am MDT

Effective Staff Development: From Onboarding to Continuous Growth
Thursday May 15, 2025 10:45am - 11:35am MDT
Equipping employees for success requires starting on strong footing with an organized onboarding plan and making continuous growth a priority for both the employee and the organization. We will share our experiences, lessons learned, and how professional development can be scaled to libraries of any size.
avatar for Carla Gordon

Carla Gordon

Director, Provo City Library
avatar for Caroline Macfarlane

Caroline Macfarlane

Children’s Librarian, Provo City Library
Thursday May 15, 2025 10:45am - 11:35am MDT
Sunbrook A

10:45am MDT

Growing New Leaders Through Mentoring
Thursday May 15, 2025 10:45am - 11:35am MDT
A few years ago Salt Lake County looked at what we were doing to help grow our employees for future leadership roles and recognized a need for a more formal program. A leadership development program was created, of which mentoring was a key part. Over the past three years we've seen what a critical part mentoring plays in helping employees grow and develop new skills, especially in a leadership development program. We'll be covering the benefits of mentoring for staff, good guidelines for mentoring interactions (formal and informal), and offering a look at how we structured mentoring within the framework of our own leadership development program.

Ann Barrett

Salt Lake County Library System
avatar for Maggie Mills

Maggie Mills

Library Manager, Salt Lake County Library
Thursday May 15, 2025 10:45am - 11:35am MDT
Sunbrook B

10:45am MDT

Integrating Experiential Learning Principles at Your Library
Thursday May 15, 2025 10:45am - 11:35am MDT
We will provide a clear understanding of what experiential learning is through an experiential learning framework that has been successful at our institution. We will offer practical real-life stories and have table and partner discussion as we deliver each step of the framework. The session will demonstrate how implementing experiential learning can give time back, can teach us how to delegate more to employees and empower them in ways that will further their growth. Attendees will learn how to implement this framework at their library.
Thursday May 15, 2025 10:45am - 11:35am MDT
Entrada A

10:45am MDT

Cataloging Conundrums
Thursday May 15, 2025 10:45am - 11:35am MDT
In this session, three catalogers from BYU will present on interesting cataloging problems that we have come across in our work. One presenter will present on cataloging Captain Canuck and will address the challenges associated with cataloging comics. The second presenter will address her quest to identify and catalog a picture. The third presenter will present on cataloging oddities in digital objects.
avatar for Sharolyn Swenson

Sharolyn Swenson

Continuing Resources Catalog Librarian, Brigham Young University
Thursday May 15, 2025 10:45am - 11:35am MDT
Entrada B

10:45am MDT

Learning to Adult: Aging Up Resources for Teens
Thursday May 15, 2025 10:45am - 11:35am MDT
This session will highlight how The Salt Lake City Public Library supports teens transitioning to adulthood. We’ll explore partnerships, resources, and programs designed to help teens prepare and build confidence. Participants also will have the opportunity to share what their libraries and communities are doing to assist older teens. Together, we'll discuss the most common "adulting" needs and brainstorm ways libraries can better equip young people for success as they move into this challenging (and exciting!) phase of life.
avatar for Stephanie Costa

Stephanie Costa

Main Library, Salt Lake City Public Library
Thursday May 15, 2025 10:45am - 11:35am MDT
Sunbrook C

10:45am MDT

The Big Story of a Little Book
Thursday May 15, 2025 10:45am - 11:35am MDT
Journey with me through the intimate experience of serving on the 2024 Caldecott Committee that selected "Big" by Vashti Harrison as the medal winner. This session weaves together two parallel narratives: my firsthand account of the deliberation process and Harrison's journey in creating this groundbreaking book. As the first Black woman to win the Caldecott Medal, Harrison's achievement marked a historic moment in children's literature. I'll share behind-the-scenes insights into how the committee evaluated the artistic excellence of "Big," examining Harrison's masterful use of light, color, and composition to tell a profound story about self-acceptance and taking up space in the world. Additionally, I'll discuss what it takes to serve on the Caldecott Committee, including the professional requirements, time commitments, and necessary experience. Bring your burning questions about committee service—this is your chance to ask what you've always wanted to know about this prestigious opportunity!
Thursday May 15, 2025 10:45am - 11:35am MDT
Entrada C

1:00pm MDT

Help! They Don't Know What to Read!
Thursday May 15, 2025 1:00pm - 1:50pm MDT
Every librarian gets asked for help choosing a book, but sometimes it can be difficult to know what to recommend. This session will help you solve the mystery of what your patrons want to read.
Thursday May 15, 2025 1:00pm - 1:50pm MDT

1:00pm MDT

Problem Solving Through Play: Using Lego Serious Play to Kickstart Library Planning, Service Design, and User Research
Thursday May 15, 2025 1:00pm - 1:50pm MDT
Lego Serious Play is a facilitation and problem-solving method where participants use Lego bricks to model and brainstorm solutions to complex problems by “thinking with their hands.” Emphasizing active engagement, open communication, and inclusion, Lego Serious Play is useful for making library planning and UX projects more participatory for both staff and library users. In our case, Lego building activities provided a fun and engaging way to gain insight into students’ sense of belonging and perceptions of library services, and was useful in helping kickstart more complex design conversations about the library’s homepage.
avatar for Alex Sundt

Alex Sundt

Web Services Librarian, Utah State University
avatar for Katie Luder

Katie Luder

Outreach Librarian, Utah State University Libraries
Thursday May 15, 2025 1:00pm - 1:50pm MDT
Sunbrook C

1:00pm MDT

The Experience of Your Customer
Thursday May 15, 2025 1:00pm - 1:50pm MDT
Library customer experience is ongoing, not a moment in time. It is shaped by all the interactions your community has with your library, regardless of whether they are consistent and empowering or scattered and stodgy. Customer experiences include navigating the digital world and your physical buildings. It is the programs and events they attend as well as the big and small interactions with staff. What do communities expect from their libraries? Do staff members have the time and ability to meet those expectations? What factors impact the customer experience? Salt Lake City Public Library’s chief service and impact officer Daniel Neville-Rehbehn and MSR Design senior associate Jeff Davis will address these questions and more as they illustrate how they are increasing customer satisfaction through ongoing customer feedback. They will offer inspiring stories about implementing community engagement within the ongoing customer experience journey.
Thursday May 15, 2025 1:00pm - 1:50pm MDT
Entrada C

1:00pm MDT

Leading from Within: Building Community and Self-Awareness
Thursday May 15, 2025 1:00pm - 1:50pm MDT
Who are you as a leader? What impact do you hope to have? These are some of the initial questions every good leader asks. Effective leadership is not confined to formal positions of authority and emerges from any level. Come learn about the differences between being a leader and a manager, using self-awareness as a foundation for success. Communication and community building are essential tools to effectively lead and manage onsite, hybrid, and remote teams. Informal leaders often emerge from unexpected sources, and can significantly impact an organization. Participants will leave with actionable insights and a renewed understanding of their potential to lead and inspire, regardless of their position within the library hierarchy.
avatar for Dianne Aldrich

Dianne Aldrich

Assistant Director of Library Services, Rocky Vista University
Thursday May 15, 2025 1:00pm - 1:50pm MDT
Sunbrook A

1:00pm MDT

Failing Forward: Learning from Programming Fails
Thursday May 15, 2025 1:00pm - 1:50pm MDT
We've all had that experience after a program of feeling that something went wrong. But are these failures? Let's talk about what can we learn from missteps and how can we be kinder to ourselves.
avatar for Nancy Moos

Nancy Moos

Youth Services Librarian, Salt Lake County Library System
I am a youth services librarian specializing in programs for school-age children. I love art and STEM programs and anything that encourages children to read!
Thursday May 15, 2025 1:00pm - 1:50pm MDT
Sunbrook B

2:10pm MDT

Full Stack Library: A Process for Reorganizing a Collections-focused Academic Library Department
Thursday May 15, 2025 2:10pm - 3:00pm MDT
This session will outline a process for achieving a participatory, function-focused organizational realignment on a 6-month timeline. Presenters will share an in-depth look at the activities, structure, and ultimate outcome of a recent reorganizational process for a collections-focused department that included visioning, conducting a functional analysis, and providing a space for participatory organizational modeling.
avatar for Liz Woolcott

Liz Woolcott

Associate Dean, Collections and Discovery, Utah State University
Thursday May 15, 2025 2:10pm - 3:00pm MDT
Entrada A

2:10pm MDT

Fielding Family History Questions: FamilySearch.org and More
Thursday May 15, 2025 2:10pm - 3:00pm MDT
Reference librarians get asked all kinds of questions. Do you know where to direct patrons when they ask how to learn more about their family history? Learn how to find the answers in this class!
avatar for Kori Robbins

Kori Robbins

Library Relations Manager, FamilySearch Library
Thursday May 15, 2025 2:10pm - 3:00pm MDT
Sunbrook B

2:10pm MDT

Allyship at the Library
Thursday May 15, 2025 2:10pm - 3:00pm MDT
We'll explore the meaning of allyship and discuss intentional ways to embody it in the Library. Get ready to supercharge your skills with practical tools for effective disruption and intervention, and leave empowered to be a more impactful co-worker and advocate.
Thursday May 15, 2025 2:10pm - 3:00pm MDT
Sunbrook A

2:10pm MDT

Everyday Inclusion: How to Adapt Your Existing Programs, Services, and Mindset
Thursday May 15, 2025 2:10pm - 3:00pm MDT
Learn how to make inclusion a natural part of your library's operations -- without needing to overhaul programs, services, or resources. Multiple presenters will share their practical strategies, personal experiences, and key takeaways from creating more inclusive library spaces, programs, and offerings.
avatar for Caroline Macfarlane

Caroline Macfarlane

Children’s Librarian, Provo City Library
avatar for Mariah Lucas

Mariah Lucas

Wasatch County School District
Thursday May 15, 2025 2:10pm - 3:00pm MDT

2:10pm MDT

Librarians are People, Too!: Marketing Your Library with an Authentic Voice
Thursday May 15, 2025 2:10pm - 3:00pm MDT
This program will explore how to leverage the unique personalities of your library staff to create more engaging, relatable marketing. Attendees will: 1) Learn ways to use your staffs' personalities to promote your library 2)Hear suggestions on how to make email marketing, podcasts, and social media more engaging and 3) Provide new ways to think about how your library communicates with your patrons.
avatar for Carla Gordon

Carla Gordon

Director, Provo City Library
avatar for Erika Hill

Erika Hill

Community Relations Manager, Provo City Library
I joined the Provo City Library in 2013. In my position I manage marketing, outreach, the Basement Creative Lab, and the Attic exhibition space. Mostly I do a lot of math to hang exhibits, answer many questions, and write great emails.  When not at the library I read, crochet, embroider... Read More →
Thursday May 15, 2025 2:10pm - 3:00pm MDT
Sunbrook C

2:10pm MDT

I Love Your Screen! Using eBooks and Technology to Improve Storytime
Thursday May 15, 2025 2:10pm - 3:00pm MDT
When we started storytimes back after the pandemic, we looked for a way to keep the kids spread out (and their germs away from the storyteller) while still creating an engaging experience. 3 years later, we've created a whole new style of storytime that our patrons love.
Thursday May 15, 2025 2:10pm - 3:00pm MDT
Entrada C

3:10pm MDT

Artificial Intelligence and its Translations from Minority Languages
Thursday May 15, 2025 3:10pm - 4:00pm MDT
This presentation explores the translation capabilities of various Artificial Intelligence systems, with a particular focus on several European minority languages. Additionally, it examines the challenges and techniques involved in translating colloquialisms and idiomatic expressions within literary works.
avatar for Milan Pohontsch

Milan Pohontsch

Cataloger, Brigham Young University
Genealogy, scuba diving
Thursday May 15, 2025 3:10pm - 4:00pm MDT
Entrada A

3:10pm MDT

Books that Make a Difference: Collecting and Reflecting on Stories that Inspire Readers
Thursday May 15, 2025 3:10pm - 4:00pm MDT
In 1983, two journalists traveled the country asking hundreds of people with diverse backgrounds and professions two questions: “What book has made the biggest difference in your life?” and “What was that difference?” In a partial replication of that inquiry, we designed a two-phase study in which we ask a similar sequence of questions via survey and then follow up with more in-depth, probing questions through interviews and focus groups. While we began by focusing on our own university community of students (undergraduate and graduate) and employees (faculty and staff) representing a diverse range of academic disciplines and professional service areas, we employed snowball sampling to reach a broader pool of participants. Initial findings will be discussed including titles, genres, and authors identified as well as emergent themes regarding the impact of chosen books. Additionally, in light of this year’s ULA conference theme (“Our Stories Inspire”), attendees will have an opportunity to share a book that has been influential to them and see what books have made a difference in the lives of other conference attendees.
avatar for Maggie Marchant

Maggie Marchant

Economics, Finance & Data Librarian, Brigham Young University
I am the Economics, Finance, and Data Librarian at Brigham Young University.  I started my current role in the fall of 2021 and love the opportunity to work with and help students and faculty.  I also love getting to work and constantly learn with great colleagues at BYU and throughout... Read More →

Toni Pilcher

Library Instructor, Brigham Young University
avatar for Rachel Wadham

Rachel Wadham

Education Librarian, Brigham Young University
Thursday May 15, 2025 3:10pm - 4:00pm MDT
Entrada B

3:10pm MDT

Fellow Citizens
Thursday May 15, 2025 3:10pm - 4:00pm MDT
Reaching “across the aisle” to the ‘BookBanners’ was frightening. But a desire to know why, what we shared, and how to come together was stronger. Hear about the experiences when Intellectual Freedom meets Crusaders for Clean.
avatar for Wanda Huffaker

Wanda Huffaker

Librarian, Salt Lake County Library
Intellectual Freedom, Privacy, Ethics, Core Values, ALA
Thursday May 15, 2025 3:10pm - 4:00pm MDT
Ballroom E

3:10pm MDT

Let's Go With The Flow: Considerations for Period Products in the Library
Thursday May 15, 2025 3:10pm - 4:00pm MDT
In 2024, The Salt Lake County Library installed free period product machines in County Library restrooms. This presentation will share how the process evolved for the County Library and what financial, building-related, and public health considerations came up throughout the process. We will also discuss: why should libraries care about what patrons are needing from our restroom spaces? How can something as simple as providing free period supplies in our restrooms convey care to our patrons? How can public libraries reframe the "normative restroom experience" and develop creative ways to meet patron needs in a place we all eventually visit - the restroom? Come explore and go with the flow!
Thursday May 15, 2025 3:10pm - 4:00pm MDT
Sunbrook B

3:10pm MDT

Library Outreach: Challenges and Opportunities
Thursday May 15, 2025 3:10pm - 4:00pm MDT
All libraries face the challenge of reaching the non-library user in their communities. Come listen to a panel of out-reach tasked librarians from academic, public (small and large), and special libraries discuss the challenges and opportunities of reaching out and engaging their communities. Learn from their failures and successes and gather outreach ideas for your own library.

Brittany Maloy

First-Year Experiences, Brigham Young University

Amber Lowe

Provo Public Library

Jennifer Schill

Holds Supervisor, Brigham Young University
avatar for Amy Crockett

Amy Crockett

Library Associate, Outreach Librarian, Duchesne County Library
Thursday May 15, 2025 3:10pm - 4:00pm MDT

3:10pm MDT

Measuring Impact, Telling Stories
Thursday May 15, 2025 3:10pm - 4:00pm MDT
Public Libraries collect a lot of data, but for many people, data can be abstract and fail to account for the whole story of an institution. As librarians and library staff it is important for us to tell individual stories that illustrate and elaborate on the data we collect. These stories help communicate our impact to all our shareholders, including city leaders during budget planning, granting organizations, and in our communications with the public. This presentation will include examples of innovative storytelling from libraries around Utah and the country.
Thursday May 15, 2025 3:10pm - 4:00pm MDT
Sunbrook C

3:10pm MDT

Fix What You Can - Don't Stress the Rest
Thursday May 15, 2025 3:10pm - 4:00pm MDT
Daily decisions and problem solving creates stress. We have latitude in spending our budgets, but not in creating them. We have amazing patrons and staff, but there is always the possibility of conflict. Our daily decisions and priorities can be questioned at any time by almost anyone. Steve Decker has been making library decisions for over 30 years. He hasn't seen it all. Nobody has. But he has learned about what can be "fixed" and what cannot. Join Steve for some insights about What You Can Fix - Don't Stress the Rest.
Thursday May 15, 2025 3:10pm - 4:00pm MDT
Sunbrook A

3:10pm MDT

Programming for Everyone: Planning Events that Attract All Ages
Thursday May 15, 2025 3:10pm - 4:00pm MDT
Libraries strive to be a place where all people are welcomed. While many library programs target specific age ranges, finding programs that are interesting to all ages can be a challenge. Come see some examples of what has worked for us and share ideas with other librarians.
Thursday May 15, 2025 3:10pm - 4:00pm MDT
Entrada C
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