Join us at the Dixie Convention Center in St. George, Utah for the 2025 Utah Library Association Annual Conference! Registration is now open, with early bird pricing ending March 31. Soon after registering, you will receive a Sched invite to this event so you can plan your conference schedule. See you in St. George!
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Wednesday, May 14

7:30am MDT

Early Morning Coffee Service
Wednesday May 14, 2025 7:30am - 8:30am MDT
Wednesday May 14, 2025 7:30am - 8:30am MDT
North Lobby

7:30am MDT

Wednesday May 14, 2025 7:30am - 9:30am MDT
Wednesday May 14, 2025 7:30am - 9:30am MDT
North Lobby

8:00am MDT

Quiet Space
Wednesday May 14, 2025 8:00am - 5:30pm MDT
Wednesday May 14, 2025 8:00am - 5:30pm MDT

8:30am MDT

ULA President's Address & Keynote: Cindy Hohl, ALA President
Wednesday May 14, 2025 8:30am - 9:40am MDT
Wednesday May 14, 2025 8:30am - 9:40am MDT

8:30am MDT

Silent Auction
Wednesday May 14, 2025 8:30am - 5:30pm MDT
Wednesday May 14, 2025 8:30am - 5:30pm MDT

9:40am MDT

Morning Break & Exhibit Hall Opens
Wednesday May 14, 2025 9:40am - 10:10am MDT
Wednesday May 14, 2025 9:40am - 10:10am MDT

9:40am MDT

Poster Sessions
Wednesday May 14, 2025 9:40am - 5:30pm MDT
A Beginner's Guide to Cataloging Postcards — Katie Yeo
For beginner catalogers, postcards present a special challenge. Although postcards are a growing collection area for many institutions, few postcard catalog records have been previously added to OCLC, requiring catalogers to create original records for the vast majority of the postcards their institutions collect. Additionally, due to a growing interest in postcards from hobbyists and individual collectors, cataloging postcards often requires applying specialized terminology to catalog records, in order to enhance the discoverability and descriptiveness of catalog records. This poster aims to make cataloging postcards feel more approachable for beginners by breaking down a sample postcard catalog record, pointing out unique features of postcard records that often confuse beginners, and highlighting best practices for applying RDA and LC vocabularies. It will briefly define and differentiate between the most commonly utilized postcard-related jargon (like the difference between chromographs and lithographs, or the significance of Real Photo Postcards). It will even include suggestions for how to notate handwritten messages, date/time stamps, or other copy-specific information in local records.

Get to Know the FamilySearch Library — Kori Robbins, Sandra Joseph, Cheri Bush
Come learn about the resources available at the FamilySearch Library, including those that you can access at your library to help patrons who have questions about their family history.

Matching Microforms: Comparing Collection Coverage and Quality to Digital Archives — Maggie Marchant, Rebekah Dizes
Libraries often face concerns about space management. What items should be kept in physical storage and which items might benefit from an online storage space depend on the usability of collections and patron needs. For this project, researchers looked at a business filings database, Mergent Archives, compared to a microfiche collection contained in the Harold B. Lee Library. The poster shows the process of comparing and evaluating a digital archive with a physical collection on microfiche. Mergent Archives is an online database that provides access to historical Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings. SEC filings are used in business research for understanding company performance and potential, especially helpful for investors. The poster contains information about the availability and readability of digitized scans in Mergent Archives compared to a sample of the extensive physical collection, with the data broken down by specific years and filing types, highlighting the gaps in coverage. As more historical reference and document collections are digitized, this project provides an example for evaluating databases and collections across subjects by using data to help librarians determine database quality and usefulness compared to physical library collections.

AV and Digital Preservation: Home Edition — Michael Gates
In this poster I would like to present several ideas about how one might go about digitizing their own personal AV collections and how to manage those files in perpetuity. I would show simple ways to capture audio visual media and explain the file types associated with those media. I would compare the standards and practices of archives to what might be done at home speaking to common principles such as methods of digitization, file formats, LOCKSS, risk assessment of the media and the destination file format. I would address, likely in bullet form, good questions to ask if one wishes to outsource digitization of AV to a vendor. I would also like to address the future of personal digital archives as they are distributed within a family and handed down from one generation to another posing and answering the question, "How should children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren handle the potentially exponentially growing digital archives?"

Katie Yeo

Brigham Young University
Katie Yeo is the 19th and 20th Century Americana Catalog Librarian at the Brigham Young University Library in Utah. She is also a former solo librarian at the Utah State Hospital Library. She is passionate about topics such as metadata accessibility and inclusive cataloging.
avatar for Kori Robbins

Kori Robbins

Library Relations Manager, FamilySearch Library
avatar for Maggie Marchant

Maggie Marchant

Economics, Finance & Data Librarian, Brigham Young University
I am the Economics, Finance, and Data Librarian at Brigham Young University.  I started my current role in the fall of 2021 and love the opportunity to work with and help students and faculty.  I also love getting to work and constantly learn with great colleagues at BYU and throughout... Read More →
Wednesday May 14, 2025 9:40am - 5:30pm MDT

10:10am MDT

What They Don’t Tell You About Outreach: A Practical Testimony from Outreach Librarians at Academic Institutions
Wednesday May 14, 2025 10:10am - 11:00am MDT
Outreach at academic libraries is vital in reaching and supporting students. However there are often hidden challenges for librarians attempting to start and maintain innovative and effective outreach initiatives. Outreach librarians from two different Utah higher education institutions will share their experiences and insights into how to navigate these challenges.
avatar for Katie Luder

Katie Luder

Outreach Librarian, Utah State University Libraries
Wednesday May 14, 2025 10:10am - 11:00am MDT
Entrada A

10:10am MDT

From Librarian to Lt. Governor Candidate: Stories, Lessons Learned, and a Call to Action from the Campaign Trail
Wednesday May 14, 2025 10:10am - 11:00am MDT
In 2024, former Utah Library Association President Rebekah Cummings became the first librarian to run for Lt. Governor on a major party ticket in the United States. In addition to being a historic moment at the intersection of librarianship, advocacy, and public service, the selection of Rebekah as a Lt. Governor candidate highlights how the national book challenge battle has thrust librarians from the fringes of politics into the mainstream. In this presentation, Rebekah will share her inspirational seven-month journey on the campaign trail, the reasons that she now believes librarians are uniquely well-suited for public office, lessons learned, and a call to action to all librarians looking to engage in public service or run for public office.
avatar for Rebekah Cummings

Rebekah Cummings

Digital Matters Librarian, University of Utah
Marriott Library, University of Utah
Wednesday May 14, 2025 10:10am - 11:00am MDT

10:10am MDT

Beyond Traditional Library Services: Social Work in the Library
Wednesday May 14, 2025 10:10am - 11:00am MDT
Libraries have always been a place to find information, providing essential resources to people, and being helpers in the community. Having a social worker extends the work that libraries provide by connecting people with community resources to improve their lives. The Weber County Library System has focused on connecting people with resources whether it is providing research and/or reading material or working with other social service organizations to offer assistance beyond the scope of what traditional library services provide. This presentation will focus on ways small and medium sized libraries can utilize social workers to provide much needed resources to their communities.
avatar for Holly Okuhara

Holly Okuhara

Assistant Director, Weber County Library System
Wednesday May 14, 2025 10:10am - 11:00am MDT
Sunbrook A

10:10am MDT

ULA 101
Wednesday May 14, 2025 10:10am - 11:00am MDT
A how-to session for ULA Annual Conference attendees. Learn to navigate the exhibits, decipher the conference program, how ULA really works, and ways to get involved. Ask questions and hear from active ULA members about staying connected and engaged in the ULA organization and how to make the most of your professional development.
avatar for Emily Johnson

Emily Johnson

Youth Services Librarian, Salt Lake County Library
Wednesday May 14, 2025 10:10am - 11:00am MDT
Sunbrook B

10:10am MDT

But I Don't Wanna Read! Helping Reluctant Readers
Wednesday May 14, 2025 10:10am - 11:00am MDT
Reluctant readers, who often struggle with finding the motivation to read, can be the bane of parents, teachers, and librarians. But once a reluctant reader catches the spark, they can devour multiple books quickly! This presentation will discuss similar traits in books frequently recommended for reluctant readers, what sparks that interest, and which books continue to keep readers enthralled, even years after publishing. While we will focus mostly on titles for children, books for teens and adults will also be included.
Wednesday May 14, 2025 10:10am - 11:00am MDT
Sunbrook C

10:10am MDT

A Beginner’s Guide to Cataloging Postcards
Wednesday May 14, 2025 10:10am - 11:00am MDT
For beginner catalogers, postcards present a special challenge. Although postcards are a growing collection area for many institutions, few postcard catalog records have been previously added to OCLC, requiring catalogers to create original records for the vast majority of the postcards their institutions collect. Additionally, due to a growing interest in postcards from hobbyists and individual collectors, cataloging postcards often requires applying specialized terminology to catalog records, in order to enhance the discoverability and descriptiveness of catalog records. This presentation aims to make cataloging postcards feel more approachable for beginners by breaking down sample catalog records, pointing out unique features of postcard records that often confuse beginners, and highlighting best practices for applying RDA and LC vocabularies. It will briefly define and differentiate between the most commonly utilized postcard-related jargon (like the difference between chromographs and lithographs, or the significance of Real Photo Postcards). It will even include suggestions for how to notate handwritten messages, date/time stamps, or other copy-specific information in local records.

Katie Yeo

Brigham Young University
Katie Yeo is the 19th and 20th Century Americana Catalog Librarian at the Brigham Young University Library in Utah. She is also a former solo librarian at the Utah State Hospital Library. She is passionate about topics such as metadata accessibility and inclusive cataloging.
Wednesday May 14, 2025 10:10am - 11:00am MDT
Entrada B

10:10am MDT

Reading Nation Waterfall: Building Book Ecosystems and Improving Access to Libraries in Native American Communities
Wednesday May 14, 2025 10:10am - 11:00am MDT
Reading Nation Waterfall (RNW) is a $1.4 million IMLS grant that seeks to enhance literacy access for Native American communities. Collaborating with Head Start Centers, the Little Free Library organization, public and tribal libraries, and community-based partners, RNW has developed a sustainable Book Ecosystem Model and built children’s community book ecosystems in five communities: the Yurok, Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, Lumbee, Northern Cheyenne, and Santo Domingo Pueblo. To date, RNW has delivered over 45,000 books among 7,746 children with at least 12,079 documented books read at home, catalyzing a 17% increase in circulation and 100% increase in usage across RNW libraries.
Wednesday May 14, 2025 10:10am - 11:00am MDT
Entrada C

11:10am MDT

20 Books in 20 Minutes (20 minute session)
Wednesday May 14, 2025 11:10am - 11:30am MDT
Looking for some great reads for your Book Group or personal reading? This presentation will be a great opportunity to get the scoop on some wonderful reads. Don't worry there will be time to present some of your own favorite reads and get ideas for building a strong book group at your library.
avatar for Lorie Womack

Lorie Womack

Reference Librarian, Washington Branch Library
I grew up in Northeastern Utah.  My earliest memories of books and libraries include checking out books from the bookmobile and school library.   I attended Southern Utah University and later completed a masters degree in library science from the University of North Texas.  It... Read More →
Wednesday May 14, 2025 11:10am - 11:30am MDT
Entrada A

11:10am MDT

Stories of Leadership: Empowering Student Leads in Libraries
Wednesday May 14, 2025 11:10am - 12:00pm MDT
We will discuss the principles of experiential learning and how they can be applied to the development of student leads. These principles provide a strong foundation for enhancing the roles of student employees. Promoting student employees to lead positions can increase efficiency, collaboration, and connection within the workplace while fostering the lead student’s personal and professional growth. Student employee co-presenters who have been promoted to a lead position will tell their stories, highlighting how these roles have helped them develop leadership skills, refine their job competencies, and prepare for their future careers.
Wednesday May 14, 2025 11:10am - 12:00pm MDT
Sunbrook C

11:10am MDT

DSRT and You!: Supporting Yourself and Other Diverse Staff
Wednesday May 14, 2025 11:10am - 12:00pm MDT
Through personal narratives, we will discuss our paths to librarianship, how we defended ourselves as part of marginalized groups, and how our colleagues supported us through our journey. Resources will be shared.
avatar for Leonides Ortiz

Leonides Ortiz

Senior Librarian, Salt Lake County Library
I am a Senior Librarian with the Salt Lake County Library's Community Engagement team. 
Wednesday May 14, 2025 11:10am - 12:00pm MDT

11:10am MDT

Empowering Communities: Libraries Leading Public Health Partnerships
Wednesday May 14, 2025 11:10am - 12:00pm MDT
Utah libraries can uncover innovative programming opportunities by teaming up with public health agencies and community organizations. Libraries are great partners for collaboration and have potential to partner on public health education and interventions in their communities. Many of their services and programs support Healthy People 2030 objectives and goals identified by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This program-description presentation will highlight the breadth of programs and resources public libraries offer that support public health initiatives in both direct and indirect ways. After offering a brief overview of the NNLM program, the presentation will examine the distribution of public libraries and public health locations in Utah. We will then provide examples of how libraries are supporting public health initiatives as well as free resources that can be used in health outreach to the public.
avatar for George Strawley

George Strawley

Community Engagement Coordinator, University of Utah; Network of the National Library of Medicine
I represent the NNLM All of Us Community Engagement Network, part of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine. My organization has funding for consumer health information programs delivered through public libraries. Please see me at the NNLM exhibit table or come to my lightning... Read More →
Wednesday May 14, 2025 11:10am - 12:00pm MDT
Sunbrook A

11:10am MDT

Budget Escape Rooms for All Ages: Making Escape Rooms for Kids Ages 5 - 95
Wednesday May 14, 2025 11:10am - 12:00pm MDT
Learn how to create escape rooms for all ages on a small budget. We will talk about picking a theme, figuring out what supplies you will need, creating puzzles, and mapping out the path that participants will take to solve the room. We will also discuss how to determine the appropriate difficulty and length of puzzles for your chosen age group. We will go over some of the pros and cons of requiring registration and the challenges of not requiring registration.
Wednesday May 14, 2025 11:10am - 12:00pm MDT
Sunbrook B

11:10am MDT

Steamy Does It: How to Start a Romance Book Club in a Conservative Community
Wednesday May 14, 2025 11:10am - 12:00pm MDT
Romance has been the highest-selling fiction genre for more than a decade. What makes it so popular? Why are romance readers ashamed of their reading preferences? Are romances really for feminists? Can reading romance be good for you?
Wednesday May 14, 2025 11:10am - 12:00pm MDT
Entrada C

11:10am MDT

The Beehive Book Award: Moving to the Future
Wednesday May 14, 2025 11:10am - 12:00pm MDT
The Beehive Book Award is going to be undergoing some exciting new changes beginning in 2025, in this session we will explore the changes, discuss why they are being made, and outline how everyone can get involved in the new era of the award. Participants will also have time to ask questions and give feedback about the new processes.
avatar for Rachel Wadham

Rachel Wadham

Education Librarian, Brigham Young University
Wednesday May 14, 2025 11:10am - 12:00pm MDT
Entrada B

11:40am MDT

A Brief Catalog of Library Games (20 minute session)
Wednesday May 14, 2025 11:40am - 12:00pm MDT
As a self-professed “librarian gamer,” I've come across a number of "library-related" board games & video games, and I’d like to share them with all of you! Each game mentioned in this session will have a specific focus on libraries and/or library work as a central theme of gameplay. Each game asks its players to utilize different skills & tackle scenarios that real librarians might encounter, & thus could be useful for developing programs or collections (especially anything intended to highlight a library's usefulness to patrons, or various aspects of librarianship to prospective library students).
Wednesday May 14, 2025 11:40am - 12:00pm MDT
Entrada A

12:00pm MDT

Lunch & ULA Awards Presentation
Wednesday May 14, 2025 12:00pm - 1:30pm MDT
Wednesday May 14, 2025 12:00pm - 1:30pm MDT
Garden Room

1:30pm MDT

Down the Line: An Adventure in Remediating Two Decades of Metadata Inconsistencies (20 minute session)
Wednesday May 14, 2025 1:30pm - 1:50pm MDT
To address issues with consistency, searchability, and collection management, a team at Eccles Health Sciences Library (EHSL) conducted a comprehensive assessment of the metadata in the Neuro-Ophthalmology Virtual Education Library (NOVEL) collection. We identified inconsistencies in field usage, naming conventions, and degrees of detail across sub-collections. This project aimed to streamline metadata practices, ensuring consistency, relevance, and adherence to library standards.
avatar for Bryan E. Hull

Bryan E. Hull

Assistant Librarian, Head, Digital Publishing, Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library, University of Utah
avatar for Carmin Smoot

Carmin Smoot

Program Manager, Digital Publishing, Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library, University of Utah
Wednesday May 14, 2025 1:30pm - 1:50pm MDT
Entrada A

1:30pm MDT

Outreach - Don't Overthink It!
Wednesday May 14, 2025 1:30pm - 2:20pm MDT
The idea of library outreach can often feel overwhelming. Come learn how you can take some of the programs and services you already do inside your library, out into the community. The Provo City Library Outreach Librarians will share several different aspects of our outreach services like preschool story times to Title 1 schools, homebound outreach and offsite programs. We’ll also share the logistics of how we schedule our visits and some of the tips and tricks we’ve figured out along the way, so you can learn from our mistakes!

Amber Lowe

Provo Public Library
avatar for Mariah Lucas

Mariah Lucas

Wasatch County School District
Wednesday May 14, 2025 1:30pm - 2:20pm MDT
Entrada C

1:30pm MDT

Rightsizing the 5th Floor: Perspectives on Collection Assessment in the Humanities
Wednesday May 14, 2025 1:30pm - 2:20pm MDT
As part of an ongoing floor-by-floor renovation within the BYU Library, subject librarians have been asked to assess their current physical collections. The renovations are currently approaching the Humanities department on the 5th floor and in this session, two Humanities librarians in the BYU Library will discuss their ongoing collection assessment or “weeding” projects. They will speak about the overarching aspects of the assessment, such as specific library priorities and parameters, and how conducting an assessment in the Humanities presents some unique challenges. Additionally, each will discuss their experiences in conducting the assessments in relation to effective processes, selection criteria, time management, student mentorship, as well as lessons learned. This session will offer participants valuable perspectives and insights on collection assessments that can be applied to collections within academic libraries specifically, as well as all libraries generally.

Adam Griggs

Brigham Young University

Megan Gurney

Brigham Young University
Wednesday May 14, 2025 1:30pm - 2:20pm MDT
Entrada B

1:30pm MDT

Self-Care for Library Workers
Wednesday May 14, 2025 1:30pm - 2:20pm MDT
Library workers experience high levels of stress for a variety of reasons, such as increased public scrutiny, book challenges, budgetary constraints, and toxic interactions with patrons and co-workers. In addition, many libraries face severe staffing shortages, requiring library workers to take on added responsibilities, often with little to no additional compensation. As a result, burnout in the library profession is on the rise. As many of these stressors are caused by outside influences, what can an individual library worker do to decrease burnout and find inner peace? This session explores the importance of self-care for the overworked, stressed-out library worker. Topics addressed include developing mindfulness practices, engaging in physical activity, fostering supportive relationships, and creating uplifting physical environments. Come learn why self-care is not the same as self-indulgence but is an essential (and often overlooked) aspect of professionalism.
avatar for Mike Goates

Mike Goates

Life Sciences Librarian, Brigham Young University, Harold B. Lee Library
Wednesday May 14, 2025 1:30pm - 2:20pm MDT
Sunbrook C

1:30pm MDT

The Power of Balanced Leadership
Wednesday May 14, 2025 1:30pm - 2:20pm MDT
Supervisors, Directors, and elected officials often assume that those who are constantly moving or talking are the best leaders - but are they? This presentation explores effective library leadership as an exercise in finding the balance between working to understand, mitigate, or avoid significant challenges, acting quickly and decisively in crisis situations, and deliberately making consistent, measured progress toward organizational goals. In particular, the presentation relies on Martin Gutmann's Action Fallacy principle (our society's incorrect belief that good leaders move when others are paralyzed, and that this action is the ultimate indicator of the effectiveness) to show the need for wholistic leadership. Presentation and discussion will discuss relevant scholarship, shared library experiences, and best practices surrounding library leadership.
avatar for Josh Johnson

Josh Johnson

Director, Davis County Library
Josh Johnson is the Director of the Davis County Library in Utah and serves on the State Library Board since 2022 (currently Chair). He is passionate about data-driven future planning, collaborative decision-making, and creating learning organizations. He also enjoys time with family... Read More →
Wednesday May 14, 2025 1:30pm - 2:20pm MDT
Sunbrook A

1:30pm MDT

Writing the Next Chapter: Crafting a Memorable Staff Development Day
Wednesday May 14, 2025 1:30pm - 2:20pm MDT
Transform your library's Staff Development Day from a routine training into a meaningful celebration of growth and community through strategic planning and cohesive branding. Learn how to create an engaging, inclusive full-day experience that energizes staff while delivering valuable professional development. This session will cover the essential elements of a successful staff development day, from strategic planning timelines to creative themes that unite your programming initiatives. Discover strategies for balancing structured learning, including coordinating multiple learning tracks and creating memorable moments through carefully chosen speakers, activities, and recognition ceremonies. We'll explore practical aspects like catering management, branded swag selection, and accommodation planning, alongside the more nuanced elements of fostering staff engagement and building institutional culture. Discover how to weave consistent visual branding throughout your event ecosystem, from digital platforms to on-site navigation and every touchpoint in between. Whether you're reimagining an existing staff development day or planning your first one, you'll leave with a comprehensive planning framework and creative ideas for making your next Staff Development Day both meaningful and memorable.
Wednesday May 14, 2025 1:30pm - 2:20pm MDT
Sunbrook B

1:30pm MDT

Keep 'Em Coming Back: Popular Multi-Visit Programs that Promote the Library Habit
Wednesday May 14, 2025 1:30pm - 2:20pm MDT
Teens and Tweens patrons are busy people, so how can you inspire them to spend their limited time at the library? By offering "Return Programming"! From Bookopoly, to Plinko, to Junior Dungeons & Dragons, ongoing activities encourage readers to keep coming back and reward reluctant readers for trying something new. Join Kaitlin and Sarah as cover how to put a "Return Program" together, where to gather inspiration, and share some of their most successful ideas.
avatar for Sarah Hall

Sarah Hall

Reference Librarian, Washington County Library System
Cosplayer and reformed sewing machine serial killer, Sarah's secret identity for the past twenty plus years has been a Teen and Reference Librarian at the Hurricane Branch of the Washington County Library System.  She has created, staffed, and been a guest at conventions, run book... Read More →
Wednesday May 14, 2025 1:30pm - 2:20pm MDT

2:00pm MDT

Come On In, the Archive’s Fine: How USU Libraries Dove Into Archival Outreach (20 minute session)
Wednesday May 14, 2025 2:00pm - 2:20pm MDT
After a Library-wide realignment in 2023, USU Libraries created a new program, Archival Outreach & Instruction, to better emphasize outreach efforts for the Special Collections & Archives Department. This session will highlight the innovative ways this program has engaged with library, campus, and community partners, building systematic assessment tools, and securing administrative support to better highlight the unique collections and services the library provides.
avatar for Paul Daybell

Paul Daybell

Archival Cataloging Librarian, Utah State University
avatar for Liz Woolcott

Liz Woolcott

Associate Dean, Collections and Discovery, Utah State University
Wednesday May 14, 2025 2:00pm - 2:20pm MDT
Entrada A

2:20pm MDT

Afternoon Break & Exhibit Hall
Wednesday May 14, 2025 2:20pm - 2:50pm MDT
Wednesday May 14, 2025 2:20pm - 2:50pm MDT

2:50pm MDT

ABC—It’s Not Easy as 123: Revitalizing Your Academic Library Collection Development Strategy (20 minute session)
Wednesday May 14, 2025 2:50pm - 3:10pm MDT
Apart from having an unlimited budget, the ultimate library dream is to develop a future-proof, data-driven collection development strategy that is nimble and responsive to evolving technologies, user demand, and market trends. Easy, right? While this session does not have the secret holy grail strategy, it does provide A strategy . . . an A to Z strategy, to be precise.
avatar for Stephanie Western

Stephanie Western

Collection Analyst Librarion, Utah State University
avatar for Liz Woolcott

Liz Woolcott

Associate Dean, Collections and Discovery, Utah State University
Wednesday May 14, 2025 2:50pm - 3:10pm MDT
Entrada A

2:50pm MDT

Charting A Profession: Tools for Better Understanding the World of Archival Scholarship
Wednesday May 14, 2025 2:50pm - 3:40pm MDT
This session will report on research done to better understand the landscape of archival publishing. This research compared the American Archivist with seven regional archival journals. The study used corpus analysis to compare the contents of the journals, an author analysis to understand who is publishing in the regional archival journals versus the American Archivist, and a citation analysis to examine the impact of the regional archival journals versus the American Archivist. The session will discuss how tools like corpus analysis, author analysis, and citation analysis can be used to understand the key issues in archival and library studies.

Gordon Daines

Director and Editor of the Journal of Western Archives; Curator, L. Tom Perry Special Collections, Brigham Young University; Journal of Western Archives
J. Gordon Daines III is the curator of Research and Instruction Services and the Yellowstone collection in the L. Tom Perry Special Collections at Brigham Young University. He also serves as the director and editor of the Journal of Western Archives.
avatar for Ryan Lee

Ryan Lee

Manuscript Collections Coordinator, Brigham Young University
avatar for Cory Nimer

Cory Nimer

University Archivist, Brigham Young University
Cory Nimer is the University Archivist at the L. Tom Perry Special Collections at Brigham Young University. He received a Masters of Arts degree in History from Sonoma State University and a Masters of Library and Information Science degree from San Jose State University, and he is... Read More →
Wednesday May 14, 2025 2:50pm - 3:40pm MDT
Entrada B

2:50pm MDT

Assisting Patrons with Marketplace Health Insurance
Wednesday May 14, 2025 2:50pm - 3:40pm MDT
Libraries are a trusted, neutral place for accurate information in our communities. Learn how to become a Certified Designated Organization to offer assistance finding affordable health insurance on the healthcare marketplace. Our session will cover the pros and cons, tips for success, the training and resources available, successful onboarding for staff, and how to register.
Wednesday May 14, 2025 2:50pm - 3:40pm MDT
Sunbrook C

2:50pm MDT

Boundaries & Back-Up
Wednesday May 14, 2025 2:50pm - 3:40pm MDT
Be empowered to disrupt and discourage inappropriate behavior by patrons and staff through boundary setting and learn strategies to effectively back up a staff member receiving negative behavior.
avatar for David Bird

David Bird

RASRT Past Chair, REFORMA interim President, Salt Lake County Library
Library ManagerRuth Vine Tyler Library, Salt Lake County Library Services
Wednesday May 14, 2025 2:50pm - 3:40pm MDT
Sunbrook A

2:50pm MDT

Leadership for Introverts
Wednesday May 14, 2025 2:50pm - 3:40pm MDT
Librarianship as a profession often appeals to introverts. Working with books and seeing the regular patrons in a relatively quiet setting seems like the perfect job for the more reserved. But what happens when an introvert advances in their career and suddenly find themself in a leadership position? Can introverts be effective leaders? Yes! In this panel session we will hear from some great librarian leaders who are introverts and learn how being introverted actually helps them be effective leaders.
avatar for Rachel Wadham

Rachel Wadham

Education Librarian, Brigham Young University
avatar for Carla Gordon

Carla Gordon

Director, Provo City Library
avatar for Michelle Lovejoy

Michelle Lovejoy

Library Director, Delta City Library

Desiree Malley

Emery County Library
Wednesday May 14, 2025 2:50pm - 3:40pm MDT

2:50pm MDT

Navigating Challenges: the Workplace Situation of Library Workers in the U.S.
Wednesday May 14, 2025 2:50pm - 3:40pm MDT
Library workers in the United States face a complex array of challenges in their professional environments. Recent findings from a groundbreaking survey published in College & Research Libraries reveal that harassment and abusive behaviors are alarmingly prevalent in libraries, significantly more than previously thought. The survey indicated that 78% of librarians in academic settings have encountered gender harassment, while 64% reported experiencing seductive behavior from patrons, and 35% have faced sexual assault. Additionally, the 2022 Urban Libraries Unite Trauma Study, which gathered responses from over 435 urban library workers, paints a vivid picture of the difficult working conditions many face. This survey not only highlights these challenges but also provides a promising framework for addressing the needs of the library community. The emotional labor involved in library work is substantial, particularly as workers frequently interact with patrons who are distressed or frustrated. Library staff often act as frontline responders, necessitating a high level of empathy and professionalism in their interactions. Recognizing that staff are an organization’s most valuable resource, it is crucial to protect them. In this session, we will discuss the urgent need for evidence-based, trauma-informed programs focusing on human safety, de-escalation techniques, leadership development, and crisis management.
Wednesday May 14, 2025 2:50pm - 3:40pm MDT
Sunbrook B

2:50pm MDT

Library Drama: On-Stage Programs at Your Library
Wednesday May 14, 2025 2:50pm - 3:40pm MDT
Learn how to introduce your patrons to short plays, Readers Theaters, and skits with a minimal budget and no rehearsal or previous drama experience required. Then try out your own acting skills (if you dare) with some fun skits to see how a program like that would run.
Wednesday May 14, 2025 2:50pm - 3:40pm MDT
Entrada C

3:20pm MDT

A Comprehensive Collection Analysis of a Multi-Campus Medical Library (20 minute session)
Wednesday May 14, 2025 3:20pm - 3:40pm MDT
This presentation details the first comprehensive collection analysis of a medical library serving three campuses in the Intermountain West. The analysis focused on item record quality, metadata effectiveness, table of contents availability, and collection overlap/deficiencies. By examining electronic book records and comparing holdings across campuses, the study identified areas for improvement in resource discoverability and collection development. The presentation will share key findings, best practices, and lessons learned, empowering other libraries to conduct similar analyses and enhance their collections.

Emily Brennan

Outreach and Metadata Specialist, Rocky Vista University
avatar for Dianne Aldrich

Dianne Aldrich

Assistant Director of Library Services, Rocky Vista University
Wednesday May 14, 2025 3:20pm - 3:40pm MDT
Entrada A

3:50pm MDT

An Educational Approach to the Reference Interview
Wednesday May 14, 2025 3:50pm - 4:10pm MDT
The updated RUSA guidelines encourage librarians to “engage in reference interactions that offer collaborative learning experiences.” However, the guidelines give little new information on how this can be accomplished beyond the traditional engagement tools that have always been encouraged. I suggest a way to change the reference transaction into a collaborative learning experience by drawing from educational tutoring theory and practices from writing centers.

The BYU library has housed the English’s writing center for the last eleven years. As part of this collaborative relationship, the English department trains and provides writing tutors to help students with their writing, and the library trains and provides research tutors to help students with the research process. Recently the library has begun to incorporate some of the educational principles taught on the writing side of this collaboration in addition to principles from the ACRL’s framework and RUSA guidelines for reference interviews. This new educational perspective on a reference interaction can have a transformative effect, making a reference interview become a richer collaborative learning experience for both the patron and librarian.

Brittany Maloy

First-Year Experiences, Brigham Young University
Wednesday May 14, 2025 3:50pm - 4:10pm MDT
Ballroom E

3:50pm MDT

Empowering Students Through AI: The UVU Fulton Library’s Innovative Response
Wednesday May 14, 2025 3:50pm - 4:10pm MDT
In the wake of rapid advancements in the general publics’ awareness and use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools, the UVU Fulton Library has taken proactive steps to harness these tools for the benefit of its student community. This presentation will explore how the library responded positively to the rise of AI by educating our librarians and then developing and implementing a series of engaging workshops designed to educate and empower students to use AI tools ethically and effectively in the process of academic research. These workshops not only demystify AI tools but also provide practical skills that students can apply in their academic and professional lives. The UVU Fulton Library’s initiative to integrate AI education into its services has not only equipped students with valuable skills but also fostered a culture of innovation and curiosity. By sharing our story, we hope to inspire other institutions to embrace AI positively and create similar opportunities for their communities.
Wednesday May 14, 2025 3:50pm - 4:10pm MDT
Entrada A

3:50pm MDT

History Internships in the Library: A Multiple Modules Model
Wednesday May 14, 2025 3:50pm - 4:10pm MDT
The BYU Library became aware of the history department’s need for internship opportunities that were on campus, paid, and relevant to historical research and potential employment opportunities. This session will outline how our library team developed internships to meet the needs of the history and family history majors, integrating into their larger, coordinated internship program. Students can select up to three modules to work on during their internship, giving them experience with multiple types of history related work done in libraries. We identified existing projects in our department to meet both the needs and interests of students in the history major and the ongoing work in our department. We hope that long-term investment in this internship program will pay off as these students move on to careers in the library field and possibly return to our institution or those in our community to work in the library field.
avatar for Valerie Buck

Valerie Buck

Associate Librarian, Brigham Young University, Harold B. Lee Library

Katie Yeo

Brigham Young University
Katie Yeo is the 19th and 20th Century Americana Catalog Librarian at the Brigham Young University Library in Utah. She is also a former solo librarian at the Utah State Hospital Library. She is passionate about topics such as metadata accessibility and inclusive cataloging.
Wednesday May 14, 2025 3:50pm - 4:10pm MDT
Sunbrook A

3:50pm MDT

Ogden at Its Core: Gathering Voices of Marginalized Communities
Wednesday May 14, 2025 3:50pm - 4:10pm MDT
Since the arrival of the railroad in 1869, Ogden has been a place of diversity with people from different ethnicity, race, and religion coming to work and live within the city. For too long, the history of the area has neglected to acknowledge the impact of the various cultures and communities. The goal of “Ogden at its Core” was to change this scenario. This project began working with members of the various communities to gather, document, and preserve the history of the communities. We did not try to control or manage the narratives but provided them with avenues to preserve and share their histories.

Sarah Langsdon

Stewart Library, Weber State University
Wednesday May 14, 2025 3:50pm - 4:10pm MDT
Sunbrook B

3:50pm MDT

To Reciprocity and Beyond: Building Trust with Local Tribes
Wednesday May 14, 2025 3:50pm - 4:10pm MDT
How do we move beyond the performative and truly engage with the communities whose land we occupy? Reparative work goes beyond a basic show of support for underrepresented communities and intentionally collecting authentic voices. Building trust between libraries and communities starts with reciprocity, the act of giving back, sharing, being accountable, and developing consistent cultural connections. Beginning with a growth mindset, respecting the diversity found in humanity, and practicing humility are essential starting points to building trust and respect. Being proactive in building connections, working with a cultural liaison, centering marginalized voices, and creatively using new technology are methods to build relationships based on mutual respect. With trust comes expanded access for all users and creates a more inclusive library.
Wednesday May 14, 2025 3:50pm - 4:10pm MDT
Sunbrook C

3:50pm MDT

When the Walls Come Tumbling Down: Creating a Library Time Capsule in the Sparest of Spare Time
Wednesday May 14, 2025 3:50pm - 4:10pm MDT
Two years after the Eccles Health Sciences Library's 50th anniversary in 2021, the library began a journey of transformation with a seismic retrofit project. This project provided an opportunity to preserve history in another unique way—a time capsule, to be placed in the new building core constructed for restrooms, elevators, and earthquake safety. This presentation will detail the process undertaken by a team of four librarians and five staff members to curate and create the time capsule without overburdening anyone’s schedule.
avatar for Bryan E. Hull

Bryan E. Hull

Assistant Librarian, Head, Digital Publishing, Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library, University of Utah
avatar for Carmin Smoot

Carmin Smoot

Program Manager, Digital Publishing, Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library, University of Utah
Wednesday May 14, 2025 3:50pm - 4:10pm MDT
Entrada C

3:50pm MDT

The Story of the Alpenbock Club Scrapbooks: How a Restricted Donation Became Publicly Available and Front-page News
Wednesday May 14, 2025 3:50pm - 4:10pm MDT
Scrapbooks from the 1960s Alpenbock Climbing Club were donated to the Library in 2006, but were only made publicly available in 2023. This presentation describes the challenges of a multi-author unpublished donation and my multi-step de-risking process so the library could publish the scrapbooks in the Digital Library. The digitized scrapbooks immediately received recognition. Scrapbook images were featured on the front-page of the Salt Lake Tribune and several other news stories highlighting the historical significance of these inspirational stories. This case study's process provides a framework for other complicated donations, especially for those working within a community.
avatar for Tallie Casucci

Tallie Casucci

University of Utah
Wednesday May 14, 2025 3:50pm - 4:10pm MDT

4:20pm MDT

Networking Social
Wednesday May 14, 2025 4:20pm - 5:30pm MDT
See old friends and meet new ones at the annual social. Network or lay low while we mingle and enjoy hors d'oeuvres!

Get your competitive side out and bid on silent auction items. Proceeds benefit ULA's scholarship fund. The auction will end at 5:30pm sharp!
Wednesday May 14, 2025 4:20pm - 5:30pm MDT

6:00pm MDT

Evening Activities
Wednesday May 14, 2025 6:00pm - 9:00pm MDT
Wednesday May 14, 2025 6:00pm - 9:00pm MDT
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